This research study aims to assess the effectiveness of advertising in promoting sustainable practices and environmentally friendly products among young people. With increasing concerns about environmental sustainability, it is crucial to explore effective techniques to encourage environmentally aware purchasing habits in this demographic. By investigating the impact of advertising on young people's attitudes, intentions, and actual behaviours towards eco-friendly goods and sustainable practices, this study seeks to address this need. A mixed-methods approach combining qualitative and quantitative techniques will be employed to comprehensively understand the subject. Initially, a thorough evaluation of existing literature will be conducted to establish a theoretical framework and identify relevant factors influencing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns in promoting green products and sustainable behaviours. This literature review will serve as the foundation for developing research instruments, including surveys, focus groups, and in-depth interviews. During the quantitative phase of the study, surveys will be administered to a diverse sample of individuals aged 18 to 30. The survey will assess their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours related to sustainable practices and eco-friendly products. Additionally, it will evaluate their exposure to different advertising forms and the commercials' impact on their decision-making process. Statistical methods, such as regression analysis, will be employed to analyse the survey data and determine the association between advertising exposure and the adoption of sustainable practices and eco-friendly product usage. The qualitative component of the research will provide further insights into the underlying processes and motivations influencing young people's responses to advertising. Participants for focus groups and in-depth interviews will be selected from the survey sample. These qualitative methods will enable a more nuanced examination of participant perspectives, experiences, and interpretations of advertising campaigns promoting environmentally friendly products and sustainable lifestyles. Thematic analysis will be applied to the qualitative data to identify common themes, patterns, and factors that influence the effectiveness of advertising campaigns in shaping young people's attitudes and behaviours. The findings of this study will contribute to the existing knowledge regarding the role of advertising in encouraging young people to embrace sustainable consumption. Marketers, advertisers, and policymakers will gain valuable insights to develop engaging campaigns that promote sustainable behaviours among young individuals. By understanding the factors that enhance the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, stakeholders can design targeted and impactful interventions to promote eco-friendly products and behaviours. Ultimately, the study aims to inspire young people to adopt environmentally responsible dietary and lifestyle choices, thereby contributing to a more sustainable future.



Keywords: Advertising Effectiveness, Sustainable Practices, Environmentally Friendly Products, Young People, Attitudes, Behaviours.


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