ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Akanksha Johar

Gone are the days of calm, where you would sit and rest under palm! The complexity has made all facade, leaving the humanity bombard!

Psychology, the ‘Psyche’ in every human and humans form society. So if we deeply have a glance of literature, it would be not wrong to conclude that, Psychology and literature hold the sorority within. For every piece of literature to be understood we need to have an account of the times that are pictured in it. In order to study any genre, we need to evaluate the individual ‘psyche. The whole theory of ‘human behavior’ and ‘psyche’ was propounded by Sigmund Freud in 1923 whereby he classifies the complex behavior of human nature as id, ego and superego. What I personally interpret of these 3 terms is: ID-the natural being state; Ego-the volatile impulse in all, Super ego- the inactive psyche in all. In various poetries, novels and prose work of many propound authors we do see the tough bond of psychology and literature so artistically woven, that it creates a euphemism. Whether psychology attracts literature or reverse is true. We have no clue to this. to generalize this key point, I would quote the works of R.L. Stevenson’s Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. Both are the best narrative works which interweave the theme of psyche and literature as two integral part that manifest to frame our human social, logical aspect in society. The psyche is affected by social external forces. The external forces affect us so firmly that it transforms us into an unexpected being that we can see in the case of metamorphosis of Dr. Jekyll into Hyde. It is true to all lengths that our inner self is affected by the external environments and eventually hits the domains of ego and superego but in end we should try, that, less we let our ego and superego affect by any evil external source more the crime and immature society would evade, leaving a secure nation for us.



Keywords: Psyche Metamorphosis, Human Behavior, Social External Forces, Secure Nation.


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