ISO 9001:2015


Lavneet Kaur & Deepty Bansal

Financial literacy helps people to make wise financial decisions and efficient financial management by enhancing their level of financial knowledge, skills, attitude, and behavior. It stimulates the process of financial inclusion by improving the access to formal financial products and services. The present study is focused on measuring the level of financial literacy among the respondents from Punjab. The study is based on the primary data of 110 respondents. The level of different components of financial literacy, viz. financial knowledge, financial attitude, and financial behaviour, is measured among the respondents. The study also analysed the urban-rural gap and gender gap in the level of financial literacy. The impact of the level of education on the level of financial literacy is also determined. The component wise results revealed that the financial knowledge aspect is weaker and the financial attitude is comparatively stronger among the respondents. The financial literacy scores among different genders and regions revealed that male respondents in comparison to females and urban respondents, in contrast to rural ones, scored a high level of financial literacy. The study finds that the level of education is also significantly impacting the level of financial literacy.



Keywords: Financial Literacy, Gender Gap, Urban-Rural Gap, Punjab.


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