India is an agricultural country whose maximum population resides in rural areas. Poverty in the village is the shadow of unemployment and illiteracy. Small and marginal farmers, rural artisans live here. The villages of India are trapped in the cycle of malnutrition, poor education, poor health and low productivity etc. Therefore the rural socio-economic problems are multidimensional and multi-directional. Agriculture is the main occupation of rural areas in India. Most of the rural communities are small and marginal farmers. They are socio-economically weak due to low productivity and production in agriculture related areas. To uplift them, higher level of education, employment, health, social security and law are needed. But among the immediate tasks, appropriate steps should be taken to bridge the gap between potential and actual agricultural yield through appropriate technology guidance facilities and services. For which there is a provision of an important agricultural loan by the government. Farmers require money for fertilizer, seeds, crop plowing, harvesting and transporting the crop to the market. This earlier had to take loan from the moneylenders at higher interest. Due to which the condition of the farmers was brought to economic backwardness. Nationalization of banks by the government in 1969 gave the opportunity to the farmers to repay the loan in reasonable installments at low interest rate and effective measures were taken to meet the need of agricultural loan. . The impact of financial institutions on small and marginal farmers in Jaipur district has been highlighted in the paper.



Keywords: Small and Marginal Farmers, Multidimensional and Multi-Directional.


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