The concept of Emotional Intelligence (EI) has sparked unprecedented interest in both the lay and scientific communities; it has also become a hot topic for researchers and academics. EI is regarded as one of the most talked-about terms in today’s business world.  This research paper attempts to summaries the available literature on EI by discussing the evolution of the term Emotional Intelligence. It further sheds light on EI in the Indian context by tracing its origins to The Bhagavad-Gita. It also explains why EI is important for both personal and professional development and well-being. Management is an art of getting work done through others. In this sense, it is an example of an outside intervention. The main disadvantage of the current management system is that someone who is unable to control his own feelings, thoughts, mental worries, and actions exerts control over others. Academic achievement was once thought to account for professional excellence. Managerial Excellence is not just because of one’s academic excellence but the ability to balance head and heart qualities.  Apart from intelligence, certain other competencies such as self-awareness, empathy, understanding and managing own emotions and others’, assist managers in eliciting the best performance from their employees. Emotional intelligence is a critical component of managerial effectiveness. It has an impact on one’s overall ability to deal with organizational demands. Being emotionally intelligent allows one to better understand and relate to others. One becomes more empathetic and sensitive to the feelings of others. Such people bring out the best in others, causing them to be extremely productive. This paper aims to highlight the role of emotional intelligence in managerial excellence.



Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Professional Development, Managerial Excellence.


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