ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Vandna Bhalla & Mrs. Pratibha Gupta


Digital devices are an indispensable part of our daily life and smart devices have ` to it, computing everywhere. We have Voice Assistants, Alexa, Smart A.C., Smartwatches, RFID cards etc. All such Smart devices have access to users’ personal data, health records and financial data. A standalone device like a conventional T.V., wristwatch etc. poses no cyber-attack threat but a smart device, when connected to the Internet, makes data accessible to smart device at risk.It is like opening a new door for a hacker to intrude in. Users know little about the security vulnerabilities in IoT devices. Hackers can exploit this vulnerability; people’s sheer negligence give access to sensitive data and result in threatening cyber-attacks. During the 2016 US Presidential election the MIRAI botnet, consisting of millions of infected IoT devices attacked the DNS provider for Twitter, GitHub and other major services, the world’s largest DDoS attack to date. Mozi botnet infects IoT devices by exploiting Telnet default login credentials, and the botnet owner triggers Distributed Denial of Service attack. It mainly targets home routers and DVRs.In this paper, we create awareness about more such common vulnerabilities in IoT devices and propose some simple and effective ways on how to combat these vulnerabilities for safe and secure use of IoT Devices. We also share the data analysis from a survey form which gives insights into how common people are not only unaware about these threats and risks but are generally negligent/careless about small little techniques to fortify their presence on the Internet.



Keywords: Availability, Combat, Confidentiality, Integrity, IoT, Mitigation, Security, Sensors, Smart Device, Vulnerability.


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