The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is a new policy that aims to transform the Indian education system to make it more inclusive, multidisciplinary, and flexible. The policy emphasizes the importance of early childhood education, providing quality education to all, and ensuring equity and inclusion in the education system. It recognizes the need to impart skills and vocational training to students to make them job-ready and contribute to the nation's economy. The NEP 2020 introduces a new 5+3+3+4 school curriculum structure, replacing the existing 10+2 structure, which emphasizes the importance of early childhood education and provides flexibility in choosing subjects. The policy also stresses the importance of technology and digital learning to improve access, equity, and quality of education, encouraging the use of online platforms and digital tools to enhance the learning experience. The NEP 2020 also seeks to create a more decentralized and participatory education system. It establishes a National Education Commission, providing overall direction and guidance to the education system while ensuring greater autonomy and flexibility to schools and universities. Overall, the NEP 2020 represents a significant change in the Indian education system, seeking to address the challenges and gaps in the existing system and create a more relevant and meaningful education system for the 21st century.
Keywords: Multidisciplinary, Early Childhood Education, Vocational Training, Digital Learning.