The regular diet of humans may give about half of the dietary fiber demand recommended and generally it's the unnoticeable fiber through the constituents and raw accoutrements used for medication of foods. A great eventuality of dietary fiber in terms of its health benefits calls for new dietary fiber sources, their objectification into food products, for which numerous queries needs to be addressed and consumers should be induced. In this direction the natural fiber, their economy and vacuity may be more promising than the modified synthesized fiber factors. The dietary fiber has an important part in dietary operation with positive health benefits in the human system; still, development of fiber rich products isn't an easy task. Originally, the fiber content and the type of bit whether answerable or undoable bit is of significance. Secondly, the parcels similar as hydration capacity, oil binding capacity cation exchanges capacity etc., govern the objectification of applicable foods either hydrophilic nature foods i.e.  Potables, authorities, ready- to- eat retort foods etc. or hydrophobic nature foods similar as fried foods, ignited foods etc. Thirdly, the uniformity in dissipation and effectiveness of the functionality for the particle size of fiber and their parcels is pivotal. Fourthly, the composition of the fiber factors similar as cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin etc. governs the parcels. Studies related to all these aspects still needs the attention of experimenters. With the recent studies, fairly, the answerable and undoable dietary fiber is more balanced in fruits and vegetables as compared to cereals dietary fiber. Thus, the proposed work has been planned to insulate the natural fiber from the vegetables not tried so far, similar as ash gourd, radish and pea peels and the by- products from cardamom, which may have the health promoting parcels. The main ideal is to explore the sources of fiber especially from routinely used vegetables spices. To cite an example, ash gourd, a health promoting vegetable is employed in curries, in medication delicacies similar as petha and ash gourd juice is a health drink. The pulp after birth of the juice is a by- product which is rich in fiber. Thus, main ideal is to use the by- products as a source of dietary fiber and study their parcels and felicity in various reused products for perfecting the good of humans.


Keywords: Fiber, Food, Vegetable, Health, Dietary, Products, Source, Effectiveness, Insoluble.


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