Amongst the most favorable materials today, Graphene has captured interest of many scientists from various fields including Photonics, Energy, Composites and Electronics. This carbon allotrope has gained attention since 2010 when the Nobel Prize (Physics) was given for groundbreaking testing with 2D graphene. Nanomaterials synthesis based on Graphene show distinctive features and graphene gained interest with researchers which is rapidly growing.  The planet’s thinnest material is on the brink of bringing in a revolution into our world affecting every facet of our lives. The remarkable properties of graphene and the immense potential it offers has created lot of fascination in this 2-dimensional and 1-atom thick wonder material.  We present a study to help comprehend Graphene, its structure and stability. Its unique properties give it an edge over other similar materials. It’s envisaged that in times to come it will be all pervasive in life around us. The diverse qualities have made graphene popular for many creative products in the industry. A lot of research with Graphene pivots around Biomedical applications as its specific and unique electronic and mechanical properties makes it a powerful candidate. We present some applications of Graphene expected to bring a sea change soon.


Keywords: Graphene, Properties, 2-Dimensional, Atomic Structure, Composites, Extrinsic, Semiconductors


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