Import is one of the important corridors of foreign trade. Export plays an important part in the process of economics development of a country. It isn't only essential for generating foreign exchanges which are necessary for acquiring modem technology and meeting the domestic conditions, but it's inversely significant for establishing international cooperation, collective understanding and artistic relations. It also helps in generating employment, ensures effective use of domestic resource and provides an occasion to display nation’s capabilities in international markets. The present study would examine the impact of liberalisation and globalisation on India’s exports. It was realised that the Indian economy has for long been sheltered and defended from international competition. The experience of other nations as well as the position of economy development achieved by them had proved beyond mistrustfulness that no country can grow in insulation and the only way to accelerate the pace of economical development was to make it internationally competitive and to integrate it into the global economy. In this regard, it was considered desirable by the Government to launch on the programme of structural reforms to give a new direction and energy to the economy. In July 1991, as part of the massive economical liberalisation, programme, the Government initiated a series of measures. In the short run, these aimed at extremity operation of the economy while in the long run the structural reforms were aimed at perfecting effectiveness, productivity and global competitiveness.
Keywords: Reforms, Efficiency, Productivity, Global, Competitiveness, Development, Globalisation.