ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Monika Chopra

The Green movement across the world gave birth to Green HR. human Resource Management is responsible for managing, developing and retaining workers in the association. 19th and 20th Century was period of industrialization, large volume of consumer goods, demand for different products, and the advancement of technology put lot of pressure on natural resources of Planet Earth. The result was the community started agitating about natural resources, pollution, ecological imbalance and memoir diversity. As strength of artificial worker increase a separate department was created to handle workers, it was Personnel Department and now human Resource. These workers signed by the HR cell started using natural resources to manufacture goods or services performing in natural destruction and contaminating the girding climate. Green Human Resource management is a new arising conception in moment’s script. Growing concern for global environment and the development of transnational norms for environmental management has created a need for business to borrow environmental strategies and programmes Organizations moment have come more conscious about the growing significance of Integration of environmental management and human Resource Management. We're entering a green economy and so the impact of our diurnal conditioning on environment and our desire to go green has expanded from just individualities to associations. Organizations moment believe that workers must be inspired, empowered and environmentally apprehensive of greening in order to carry out green management enterprise. The main purpose behind this exploration is to extend our understanding of how the conception of green management can be deposited as part of the human resource function. The provocation is to punctuate the significance of erecting sustainable and eco-friendly business and to gain knowledge of the issues after espousing Green Human Resource Management.



Keywords: Human, Management, Pollution, Environment, Resources, Development, Community.


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