A sound health is a necessary element of quality life. People of forest areas of the India have been rehearsing traditional system of minding their health since ancient times. This system of caring health is now in adversity because of dwindling medicinal factory species along with deforestation. Though various programs have been espoused to affect a shift from this practice to ultramodern system of health care, acceptability of this trouble isn't irrefutable as the ultramodern health care institutions are still not within the reach of the underprivileged people of the remote area, in terms of both availability and frugality. Likewise, one important aspect is that unlike other forest dwelling people, as it's seen in case of ethnical people in hilly places, the forest dwelling people of the India didn't have any kind of practice of shifting civilization. Expansion of profitable structure is also not taking place in the forest areas and population increase of these people doesn’t feel so high. Although deforestation is a common problem of different corridor of the world, its causes, impacts and counter accusations aren’t invariant, but original specific. After his review work on profitable models of tropical deforestation, Kaimowitz and Angelsen (1998) recommended for major shifts in future exploration and editorialized that rather of public and global studies on deforestation, ménage and indigenous- position studies would presumably be more productive one. They observed that no universal policy for controlling tropical deforestation could be conceived and a detailed understanding of the complex set of causes and forces affecting forest cover changes in a given position is needed prior to any policy intervention. Conclusions of numerous environmental studies came with a recommendation that it was important to work on a original position if correlations between terrain and demographic data are to be explained. Present study is important from these points of view.

Keywords: Diminishing, Economy, Deforestation, Household, Traditional, Poverty, Agriculture.


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