India’s environmental problems are gaining global significance because of the rapid-fire and aggressive speed of urbanization and lack of structure. Adding urbanization, industrialization, deforestation and transportation, the alternate relatives of profitable development put tremendous pressure on natural resources and thus there's a pressing need to strike a balance between experimental planning and urgency to guard the environment. As a means of tone- preservation, people in India, as in other corridor of the world, have been hulling the forest, digging up the land, booby-trapping the mountains and tilling the swell and so forth. While they were inflicting serious damages to the ecosystem, the regenerative power of the nature, were generally suitable to heal the environmental damage. moment, people are destroying faster than nature can replenish, because of our numerical strength of ten million people, and our inextinguishable desire of producing further and further effective tools for conquering nature. We in India have been contaminating the water and air and demeaning land briskly than nature can purify them. The study sees this as ‘new age capitalism’. In short, the maximum sustainable view wants to reduce the rates of the reduction and pollution to a point where reduction is as close to the capacity of the environment to assimilate it safety. The present study of is both explorative and logical. It's sought to construct, through the analysis of primary and secondary data, the history of Environmental Management9 in India and the reasons thereby. The documents of government programs would be analysed to find out the loopholes. Proper contribution shall be done in the concerned area to corroborate the extent of pollution and its protection and management. In depth sample interviews, questionnaire and field study in India itself would give primary data on which this whole exploration is grounded. Published workshop by prestigious authors shall also be consulted during the exploration.


Keywords: Environment, Development, Damage, Education, Safeguard, Nature, Clothing, Destroy.


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