Land, water and air constitute three introductory substances for food of human and animal life. In India, as in numerous other aged societies, there's a long literal tradition governing the relations between human beings and nature. This tradition is saved from generation to generation through social, religious customs and artistic practices. Worship of trees, creatures and insects, civilization of special food habits and observance of fasts during some carnivals, abstinence from cutting green branches from trees and catching youthful fish from ponds or streamlets are some of the exemplifications of people’s approach towards nature and respect for ecological balance. It's particularly during the last hundred times and especially after the onset of ultramodern wisdom and technology that the balance between man and environment has disturbed and oppressively distorted. The applicability of the present study lies in understanding the nature of Environmental changes taking place In India and their health impact. As we all know that with increase in population, open spaces are getting squeezed including space for living. Due to lack of clean drinking water which was before supplied through vill wells is no more available, reduction of ground water and impurity redounded in lack of vacuity of drinking water within vill. With the result people to cover long distances to cost water from hand pumps located at the fringe of the vill. Due to deforestation another problem arises i.e. Vacuity of Energy and Fodder therefore people has to cover long distance to get these veritably musts. In Haryana Green revolution after affects can be easily seen on agriculture practices similar as over use of fungicides and chemical diseases, robotization of agriculture has rebounded in numerous direct and circular problems thus the present study will explore above situation in environment to change.
Keywords: Human, Cultivation, Environmental, Ecological, Deforestation, Agriculture, Population.