ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Anita Sharma

In ancient Indian society, women were obtained the same position as to men, and there was no discrimination on the bases of physical appearance, education and gender, instead of that women were honored by society. The women were considered as Janani which means mother, even in Hindu scripts women are considered as Devi. They used to experience their basic rights where they were free to receive education, at that point the other hand the wives of the rishis should inclined to participate in religious rituals with their husbands, they had been additionally called the Ardhangini (better half) too. During that period, women were given to stay same existence similar to men used to.  They had religious rights, economic rights and politics rights as well as mens. Women in Indian history have gone through two things in their life one is subjection and deliverance. With the passage of time, their positions might have changed but in the Vedic era, they were a complete symbol of protector and caretaker of mortality and ideals. In ancient India, women enjoyed equal status with men. They were educated. Women were trained as a Warriors we also found many references where women hold the position of bodyguards of the king and queen. In Rigved We found many references about a warrior queen Vishpala, who is trained in the art of warfare. She loses a leg in battle; an iron leg revives her spirit and she resumes her battlefield exploits.



Keywords: Women, Empowerment, Essential, Heritage.


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