ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Ashok Kumar & Dr. Shilpa Parihar

Brand equity is a position of the mind of the consumer and this is a imagination of the customer about a product in their head. Various researches shows that measure of any customer’s view about a brand or brand equity, makes image of that product in the market and it is a reflection of the brand of the product. The present study is an attempt to measure brand equity as a subject of client perception and would seek the disquisition into its related confines. Being an arising frugality, India is witnessing a plethora of public and transnational brands across colorful product orders. Also, there's a demographic shift having further youthful age Indian consumers driven by the branding of the product in their choice opinions. In the reverse drop of the change, the present study named ‘Brand Equity Perception A study of Indian companies’ is accepted to assess customer based brand equity perception and to probe its affiliated confines in the Indian environment. Brand equity is showcase of the product in the market and services which it holds. Brand Equity is one of the ways to know about the effectiveness of marketing opinions. Brand Equity is a holistic conception that provides a way to know the overall brand support among all stakeholders. A client pays redundant for a brand over its general counterpart because of the value that a brand enjoys in a client’s mind. Brand Equity is the reason for the difference which arises between branded product and unbranded product though they give the same position or product features. The present study will give useful perceptivity to marketers as to which of the confines should be given preference to make brand equity. The present study is a comprehensive study which measures brand equity perception of Indian Companies.



Keywords: Environment, Stakeholder’s, Perception, Perceived, Brand, Equity, Consumer.


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