ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Nirmala Dorasamy & Dr. Lovenita Sankhala

Indian women were adored and admired as mother, liked as sisters, loved as a wife, and praised as Goddesses. But we cannot assure that women always got a respectful place in our society. Women should always be independent in order to enjoy further freedom and relaxation because once men realize their reliance upon them they tend to treat them as their means, hence women are deprived of their rights. The women of this country, each over the world, are still subordinated to unconscionable exploitation and suffer quietly and patiently, discriminative treatment from the contrary sex (Devi, 1996). Women in India have always suffered from discrimination at home, at plant, at the train, at the train etc. Women in India are allowed of as the manifestation of Goddess Durga, Saraswati and Maa Kali etc. But the hard reality is that they're the worst victims of injustice in the society executed in the form of child marriage, female infanticide, sati, sexual importunity, and dowry and so on. Today’s India offers a lot of openings to women. They've been enjoying the status far better than they had. Now they've a voice in everyday life, the business world as well as in political life. But the society is still infected with manly dominated culture. Discrimination against women is still largely visible in pastoral as well as in civic areas. Then women are frequently seen as inferior and inferior to men. Thus, we should change our mindset. The indigenous guarantee for equal rights needs to be supplemented by strong public opinion for the protection of women from all feathers of discrimination in the lesser interest of the well being of the nation.



Keywords: Nation, Society, Women, Discrimination, Independent, Political, Manifestation, Protection.


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