The Marketers has always tried to recognize the new opportunities and threats constantly presented by the marketing environments and all together they understand the importance of continuously monitoring and adapting to that environment. Today main challenge before marketers is to think creatively about how market can fulfil the needs of the most of the world’s population for a better standard of living in the center of sustainable development. To grab the new emerging opportunities and to ensure better standard of living with sustainable development, the new concept in market – Green Marketing has emerged. Green marketing is a philosophy which primarily advocates sustainable development. Now people are concerning for a healthy environment to live and preferring environmental friendly products and services to consume, marketers these days are trying to take advantage on the same to ensure sustainable development and using these concepts in developing their strategies. This paper attempts to introduce the terms and concept of green marketing. The paper tries to explain why green marketing is important in current situation. This paper tries to represent the basic problems associated with green marketing and suggests the required solutions. This paper also describes recent trends in green marketing, and how green marketing can be a means for sustainable development.


Keywords: Green Marketing, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Consumption, Green Myopia, Greenwashing, Environment.


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