Education is regarded as an important tool and means for creating awareness and adequate knowledge and skills. So for the upliftment of women’s status, awareness is needed and that could only be possible through education. The Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing, China in September 1995 emphasized the need to equalize opportunities and status of women. It was the first international women’s conference at which the Platform for Action contained a section addressing the rights of girls and young women. The Beijing summit stressed that the implementation of the ‘Platform for Action’ agreed upon by participating governments requires commitment from them and the international community. In spite of several steps taken for women empowerment by both central and state government wide gap still persists among the literacy rate of male and female. Many factors are responsible for non-enrolment and high dropout rates of girls. She is discriminated in feeding, attention, clothing and care. The family is ready to spend more money on male children for their clothes, schooling, health care and nutrition than on female Odisha is committed to provide educational opportunities for girls which addresses the learning needs of 3-6 yrs. old children and takes the steps for the implementation of Right to Education Act, 2009.


Keywords: Education, Empowerment, Women, Development.


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