ISO 9001:2015


Anamika Verma & Dr. Reshma Boolchandani

Women constitute the family, which leads to society and nation. Social and economic development of women is necessary for overall economic development of any society or a country. Woman has competed with man and successfully stood up with him in every walk of life and business. Women managed to survive and succeed in this competition with their hard work, diligence and perseverance. Depression can impact every area of a woman’s life- including your physical health, social life, relationships, career, and sense of self-worth -and is complicated by factors such as reproductive hormones, social pressures, and the unique female response to stress. Stress has been identified as one of the most common perils of modern times. Stress can be positive and motivate women to achieve notable goals. But stress can also be negative and destructive, taking its toll in many life areas. When stress becomes chronic or excessive, it becomes harder to adapt and cope. Chronic stress builds up so that stress seems like a normal way of life for some women. Oftentimes women are so busy that they do not take time to slow down long enough to think about how stress is negatively affecting them. Women have higher rates of these conditions and other psychological disorders including panic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder than men. women's empowerment is associated with more positive health and nutritional outcomes for women and children, evidence around the relationship with mental health or subjective well-being remains relatively limited. We recommend conducting more awareness sessions, recreational activities and meditation sessions for effective stress management skills to women micro entrepreneurs.



Keywords: Women Empowerment, Stress, Depression.


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