Software has now become an influencing force that affects the human civilization as high in quality and for that purpose user-friendly software is needed. By involving the client-side in decision-making process and getting feedback from the users, Agile Software Development model has grown its usage in software industry and has also reached to great heights. As agile software development principle emerged in the past years, an effective methodology has been developed to enhance the success rate of software development process. As a development methodology, agile development method emphasizes iterative and incremental iterations, adaptability, and rapid development cycles and importantly user-oriented development with usability as in User-Centered Design Model. Usability can be stated as an amount of human interaction with the human interface in a software or web product. It is required to perform a perfect testing to build perfect software system. A usability test can determine the level of usability of an interface by inviting expected users to contribute in testing. During a usability test process, a user or user group preform a sequence of tasks for using the system with or without assistance from software development team. User behaviors, emotional responses, and performance are recorded with each task performed by the user. A new development in the world of testing is the Two-Way Assessment Approach. The traditional testing examines the system from one angle i.e. user’s perspective whereas the Two-way testing is a revolutionary expansion in testing in which users' viewpoints, managements’, developers' and testers’ viewpoints are also taken into consideration. The management’s, developer's and testers’ point of view might be different from the user's perspective therefore it highlights the importance of various attributes to measure the overall usability of the software. By comparing attributes constraints with each other and evaluating the most effective results, efficiency of system can be increased. Two-Way Assessment can be applied in order to determine what factors contributed most to the ideal scenario for the organization which benefits both from a developer's and stakeholder’s perspective. The basis of any business organization is stability in the form of the delivery of reliable and user-friendly software products in a dynamic and competitive environment. Growth of quality software has become an expected constraint of any software industry. Enhancing usability testing efficiency will be one of the important aspects of producing high-quality software. In this way, organizations are obliged to incorporate the testing attributes for improved efficiency, and thus better reliability with a defect free system can be obtained. The Two-Way Assessment method ensures that software is stable and quality-oriented.
Keywords: Agile Testing, Usability Testing, Two-Way Assessment, Decision Making Process, User-friendly Software.