The Constitution of India is one of the most rights- grounded constitutions in the world which is rich in human rights justice. It captures the substance of human rights in its Preamble, and the sections on Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy. Human Rights enthrall a crucial position today in the world. The struggle for human quality and exploitation of human beings on any ground is a human right violation. Lack of concern about the social problems is the biggest social problem of India and Indians. A citizen’s awareness towards his rights will give him the courage to fight for his own rights and admire the rights of others. It also helps in promoting the attitude of forbearance, respect and solidarity and develops individual awareness about the way and means by which human rights restated into social and political reality. Without a wide culture of human rights and proper awareness, republic isn't by itself a guarantee of respect of human rights. Their knowledge about the human rights helps in transferring the awareness down to teachers. Hence, adequate awareness about human rights in them can help to produce a sensitive, informed and enlightened citizen by the teachers. Till now adequate numbers of studies have done in the field of human rights awareness but the variables taken by the investigator is untouched filed in exploration. That's why the researcher has move forward in their field. To women from both the developed and developing world is demanding respect for the human rights of women be it in the public or private sphere and looking to transnational human rights associations for support.



Keywords: Human, Primitive, Women, Convention, Family, Awareness, Policy, Rights, Position


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