Women empowerment is a social issue, not a legal one. The need of the hour is for a shift in society’s current mindset. Women empowerment is required because of the demand for natural justice and as a tool for country building. Empowering women entails creating an environment in which women may freely use their rights, both inside and beyond the family, as equal partners asmen. This study seeks to elaborate the positionof women and how empowerment women are in India since ancient times to modern times, highlighted the concerns and obstacles of women empowerment. Women had equal status with men in the early Vedic period. However, the standing of women continued to decline later on. Women’s empowerment is now one of the most pressing issues of the modern times. In practice, ironically women empowerment can still said to be an illusion in the real world. In our daily lives, we see how women are affected by a variety of social ills. Women empowerment is fundamentally growing as people become more conscious. The purpose of this research is to highlight women’s position in India since the ancient to modern eras. This research paper is based on secondary data. The paper is divided into three parts. The first portion discusses the Vedic viewpoint of women’s status, the second section describes medieval status of women, and the third section discusses women’s current position in modern times.



Keywords: Women Empowerment, Ancient India, Medieval India, Modern India.


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