Digital banking is the term that describes is transactions that can take place among companies, individual and their banking institutions. First conceptualized in the mid-1970s. Some banks offered customers electronic banking in 1985. Online banking allows customers of a financial transaction on a secure website operated by the institution, which can be virtual Banks, Credit union. Banks are trying to popularized the concept of internet banking in the minds of their customers to meet up with increasing banking Premises. The objective of the study is to examine the reach of Digital banking and to analyze awareness among the customer using internet Banking and also identity the level of security provided by banks to customers to using these services. Primary data are collected from the bank customer with a sample size of 100 by conducting the survey through questionnaire in Hassan Taluk, Hassan District. And secondary data collected from various web sites. The data has been analyzed using percentage, tables and graph. Digital Payment occurs when goods or services are purchased through the use of various electronic mediums. A digital banking user is expected to perform transactions online such as checking accounts balance and transactions history, paying bills, transferring between accounts, requesting credit cards advances. Cards payments are the most familiar types of electronic payments the world over cards are remain attractive in part due to the rewards they offer , which have been increasing for the past several years. Major credit and debit cards in all corners of worlds include visa, master cards, American express etc.



Keywords: Digital Banking, Awareness, Digital Payments, Debit Cards and Credit Cards.


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