This paper unfold the many dimensional aspect of the tourist perception that starts from the consideration of elements and then identification of factors which contributes in satisfactions level of tourists who visited and intended to have the dishes into different meal time at Rajasthan Places as destination weather urban or rural region. This study taken the sample as population 118 in numbers who submitted the views by questionnaire on likert scale showing Strongly Agree- Strongly Disagree from 5-1 point. Questionnaire also has some demographical aspect question like Age, nationality, purpose of visit, and then different factors related to perceptions and satisfactions set of questions which are tested on the cross processing summery and correlation by using Pearson principle. Then this data used for testing the hypothesis testing which shown the result for the alternative and null hypothesis.
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to evaluate the culinary experience of the which involves concepts like tasting of food, learning of food by attending the workshop session, visiting the fairs & festivals, and having the meal along with host as well as in their authentic ambiance. As tourism involves many activities which are conducted by the host as per tourist motives which mainly includes leisure, studies & research, understanding the host cultural & tradition and many more. In today’s practices, many of the tourist are also showing their keen interest in regards to receive the gain about the food practices which are coming from olden days (refer as Classical cuisine dishes) of the host. There are many of the dishes which are prepared into specific season, festivals and occasion at the host regions which help to enhance the enjoyment level up to next stage. This study considered the practices of Rajasthan region in all. As Rajasthan offers wide range tourism activates as Rajasthan constitute many geographical features from lushgreen to Thar Desert including the Stone Mountain, and cold places name as “MOUNT ABU” and the culinary practices of these places are differ from each other.
Research Methodology: This paper considered many manuscripts in the form of articles (international and national) which help to frame the objectives and hypothesis. This also paper mainly based on the experiences of the tourists who visit the Rajasthan as destination for different purpose. The views collected for the study with the help of structured questionnaires on the likert scale (5-1) and then these data run to validate the result by applying the different statistical tools either parametric and non parametric test then shown the result in a graphical and tabular for better understanding.
Finding: The authors found that every tourist spending a good amount of money under the head of meal during the trip. Even they allocate some amount for the experiences of host dishes prior to trip and gather valuable information and try their good efforts to explore that leisure as host dishes. Where as many of the tourists have ideas only about the urban region of Rajasthan food dishes. Merely not have good information about the rural food dishes.
Recommendation: After the study, authors find that many of the tourists are not aware about the urban rural host cuisine. Therefore, more promotional and ancillary services need to be develops for aiming the urban or rural tourism in Rajasthan.
Keywords: Tourism, Cuisine, Cuisine Tourism, Cuisine Dishes Workshops, Tasting Host Dishes.