Now-a-days a lot of information is passing by internet. Hence the security of information has become an essential issue. Cryptography is the well-known practice to secure data over network. Steganography is a technique used to hide the message in digital media. The elliptical curve cryptography is more secure than the current cryptography models. Securing data encryption and decryption using Cryptography and Steganography techniques. Due to recent developments in stego analysis, providing security to personal contents, messages, or digital images using steganography has become difficult. By using stego analysis, one can easily reveal existence of hidden information in carrier files. This project introduces a novel steganographic approach for communication between two private parties. The approach introduced in this project makes use of both steganographic as well as cryptographic techniques. In Cryptography we are using RSA. In Steganography we are using Image Steganography for hiding the data. And we also use Mutual Authentication process to satisfy all services in Cryptography i.e., Access Control, Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication. In this way we can maintain the data more securely. Since we use RSA algorithm for securing the data and again on this we perform Steganography to hide the data in an image. Such that any other person in the network cannot access the data present in the network. Only the sender and receiver can retrieve the message from the data.
Keywords: Cryptography, Cloud Computing, Data Sharing.