Entrepreneurship emerging in rural areas is called rural entrepreneurship. Rural entrepreneurship is the second source of providing employment in rural areas, because agriculture cannot provide employment all over the year. Rural entrepreneurship symbolizes rural industrialization. Rural industrialization provides the best solution to tackle with the twin problems of unemployment and poverty stalking the rural areas in the country. That is why the Government of India has been assigning increasing importance to the development of rural industrializations or entrepreneurship in her subsequent Five-Year Plans. Rural entrepreneurship implies rural industrialization. Though it is traditional but now modified in to seven major categories as mineral, forest, agro, polymer and chemical, engineering and non- conventional industry, textile and service industry. However, the development of rural industrialization is plagued by some major problems like inadequate flow of credit; use of obsolete technology, machinery and equipment, and inadequate infrastructural facilities. Solving these problems is necessary for developing rural industries/entrepreneurship. Of late, NGOs have proved as an effective agent in developing entrepreneurship in rural areas of the country. Rural entrepreneurship will be helpful for balanced economic development in India.



Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Infrastructural, NGO, Rural, Fixed Capital Investment, Rural Industrialization, Industrial Policy Resolutions, Backward Area Development Program, Industrial Policy Statement, Entrepreneurship Development program , Small Scale And Village Industries,.


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