An important part of India's economy is agriculture. Because of post-reform economic policies, India's economy is no longer heavily reliant on agriculture and has diversified into other sectors, particularly manufacturing and services. Notwithstanding agriculture's declining contribution to GDP, the share of the workforce based in the sector has not decreased. Despite the fact that the agricultural sector no longer employs more than 52 percent of the overall workforce, more than half of India's population still depends on it for survival. Several studies and political statements have expressed serious concern about the present slowdown in agricultural development. Several reports have looked at agricultural expansion and criticized the neoliberal policy regime for supposedly not caring about agriculture. The business shifted heavily toward cash crop cultivations, and yield and productivity variations were enormous. Due of their inability to pay their agricultural debts, some farm families committed suicide. Focusing on farmers from indigenous groups, this analysis looks at the ups and downs of Indian agriculture. The research concludes that a lack of political will and bad policy execution are important causes to the agricultural sector's recent downturn, along with problems with infrastructure, technology, and the environment.



Keywords: Agriculture, India, Indian Economy, Challenges, Performance.


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