Prior 1982, there exists only Commercial Banks, RBI and Industrial Development Bank which were financing those traders who were engaged in International Business trade. But there was no particular bank which can provide various facilities relating to finance and consultancy services to the International Exporters. The Government's decision to set up the bank was announced by the then Finance Minister Mr. Venkataraman while unveiling budget for the current fiscal year. In this regard, in January 1982 Exim Bank was set up to take over the operations of International Financial and consultancy assistance to International Exporters and to function as principal Financial Institution for coordinating the work of other institutions engaged in financing of International Business of goods and services. In India, EXIM bank is the apex financial institution in the field of International Business financing as well as in facilitation of International Business of nation. In this regard, the International Business financing is one of the main functions performed by EXIM bank. Hence, the study of financing International Business with respect to EXIM bank becomes significant. The present study is an attempt to examine and analyze in detail about the role of EXIM bank in the contributing the International Business finance. The study is purely based on secondary data. Therefore, the reliability of results of the study will be based on the accuracy of the secondary data. Further, the study is carried out for a period of 20 years (2000-01 to 2019- 20) only. The major limitation in the present study is that the factors like political instability, devaluation of rupee, and all other external & uncontrollable forces which have got major bearing in the International Business of the economy have been excluded from the purview of the study.



Keywords: International Business, Contribution, Performance, Functioning, Reliability, Consultancy.


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