The Present study of ECO management based the Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur. It is named after Keoladeo(Shiva) Temple located in the centre of the park. It was earlier known as “Ghana” meaning dense forest with a wide diversity of habitats ranging from marshes, woodlands, scrublands, grasslands to dcmided saline patches. It is a low lying area in the flood plains of river Banganga and Gambhir which are tributaries of river Yamuna covering an area of about 29sqkm. The Park is divided into 24 blocks demarcated by road and dykcs for administrative convenience. The composite unit demarcated by a rubble boundary wall on all sides. Keoladeo National Park is on internationally important wetland site for massive congregation of water fowl making it an important wintering ground on the central Asian flyway for migratory water fowl from the palacarctic region. It has been the only wintering area for the central population of Siberian Cranes. It supports about 41 species of raptors, including the largest population of globally thrcatcncd greater spotted Eagle. The lesser spotted eagle nests in the National Park. Keoladeo National Park is situated in the alluvial plains of Bharatpur Geomorphologic – ally Bharatpur district forms part of Eastern Rajasthan plains. Laying cast of Aravalli Hill range. The area is drained by Banganga and Gambhir rivers and compriscs of vast alluvial plains with several depressions with changing hydrology of the watersheds both in the Banganga and Gambhir river basins. The system of natural wetlands has practically vanished, but another system of statellits wetlands exist which provides a large habitat to the local migratory as well as migratory water fowl. The subtropical climate of Keoladeo National Park emcomparscs a variety of habitats ranging from upland terrestrial to summerged aquatic. The entire flora consists of 373 species of angiosperms with 11 new additions to the parks list herbs constitute more than 55% of the floristic composition. The dynamic of the well and system and its strategic geographic location on the flyway of migratory birds all contribute to the diversity of life forms it supports. Savanna type vegetation exists mostly in Koladhar area of the park and comprises of the major dominant grass viz. VeltveriaZizanioldes and desmostachyabipinnata. The dominant tree species recorded in this area are prosopis cineraria, Acaclanilotica. A lcucophloca, Zizyphusmaurutiana and salvadora persica. Low grassland occurring in certain part (mainly B,C,D and F blocks) of the park comprise of sporobolueshelvolus and cynodondactylon with scattered trees and shrubs.



Keywords: Environmental Management, Natural Wetlands, Scattered Trees, Geographic Location.


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