As the higher Education started expanding, it was felt that there should be a regulatory and statutory body or bodies for regulation, Coordination and setting up the standards in the field of higher education. In spite of varied nature of category in higher education which extends from undergraduate college to universities as well as Professional courses, there suppose to be a clear democracy of Authority structure. However there is a kind of overlapping existing in the structure of rules, regulations and directions issued or controlled by central and state government. Because of such system, there is a set of multiple rules and regulation. This disturbed hierarchy, gives a loss of responsibility with the expansion of the universities and colleges and institutions. This in result will impact the governance of the higher education and their quality. This lacking of responsibility and lack of quality raises a question on accountability and answerability in higher education. The concern of accountability first came into existence in 1990 where there found an ideological shift in the governance of the states and central for different rules of higher education. The National Policy on Education has dealt to some extent on the matter of accountability to pop up the quality in higher education. Soon a need of incorporation of accountability and answerability in higher education has raised, it was tried to find out existing literature but unfortunately no commonly acceptable definition of accountability and answerability has found. Also no frame work for setting such accountability and answerability in higher education has found.  This research paper not at all setting up any conclusive remark on the fact whether accountability of universities or teachers should be a part of policy formulation or not. Rather this research paper objects to preset the case that it is the responsibility of universities to determine the need of accountability and answerability and it should not be in any manner lead to high performance only.


Keywords: Accountability, Governance, Answerability, Responsibility, Institutions, Policy, Quality.


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