Women entrepreneurs drive global business environment with stability and strength. Unfortunately, their contribution to economic progress has been overlooked for long despite the fact that women work significantly more than men. Many reports have indicated that women work longer and harder with higher achievement rate as compared to men. But entrepreneurship has proved to be a challenge for women as they struggle lot more than their male colleagues to get recognition and position in the corporate world. among the opinions leading to the importance of women entrepreneurship for the better economic growth we have a counter set of opinions backed by stereotypes, societal and family bindings, existing success business models led by men, etc. as well which restrict the women to choose entrepreneurship as a career. The present paper is an attempt to understand the various social and cultural issues along with economic issues that support or restrict the women while making entrepreneurship as their career choice. It also analyses the opportunities available to women, access to these opportunities and problems faced by them. The study concluded that socio-cultural factors significantly affect women entrepreneurs and their contribution towards economy. Many of the socio-cultural factors are identified as highly influential on entrepreneurship.
Keywords: Women Entrepreneurship, Socio-Cultural Factors, Societal Challenges.