Moonlighting has triggered a big debate in the corporate world, news channels and the jobs’ sector. While some are calling it unethical, and something that breaches contractual obligations others are supporting it as the right of young and low paid professionals to earn extra and diversify earnings. This paper investigated whether moonlighting practice by teachers was associated with stress. For the purpose of this study, data is collected through a google form from 100 teachers working in different schools of Jaipur. Random sampling technique was chosen for study. The instrument used in the study to assess stress level is MANUAL FOR STRESS SCALE SS-SSSMK standardized scale developed by Dr. Surabhi Sharma and Manish Kumar Sharma and to identify moonlighting behavior a Texas teacher survey was administered on 100 respondents. The results revealed that there exists an association between the stress and moonlighting behaviour   as p value .000 is found to be lesser than the critical value .05.


Keywords: Moonlighting, Stress, Working Hours, Workload, Job Security Wellbeing.


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