The growth of internet and Web has drastically changed the way business is conducted in India. The robust growth of e-commerce has sculptured new formats of conducting online business deals and so, the marketing strategies applied in the traditional slipup and mortar formats cannot be applied in the online marketing terrain. There's a need to study how the marketing terrain has changed in the last decade in India, how it has evolved, developed and enabled new business openings. The E-commerce deals are conducted through different models – B2C, B2B and C2C. The top most challenge moment by thee-marketers is to elect the most suitable model that would grease them to grow their online consumer base. The study will hence, estimate as to which of the online models can be espoused to attract and increase the online presence. Moment E-commerce has come a veritably important element of business strategy, planning and profitable development in the arising global frugality. It's one of the popular aspects of spreading business on a large scale. E-commerce coupled with the applicable strategy and policy approach can enable a small and medium scale enterprise to contend with large and capital-rich businesses. Moment the consumers are well connected through the colorful digital platforms and are getting told by the community and the society; this is reflected with the exponential growth and fashionability of colorful social media platforms. Engagement with online social networking spots is proving to be a decreasingly important communication and creative exertion encyclopedically. The social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter have a great influence on shaping the preferences of the online consumers. The study will thereby examine the part and impact of these spots on generating implicit online business.



Keywords: Consumer, Technology, Influence, Development, Marketing, Economic, E-Commerce.


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