The crucial consideration in the success of a business isn't the profit it earned rather it's the competitive advantage it gained. The profit no doubt it is a criteria to measure success of a business and may also be the factor to consider the recovery of investment, but in moment’s cut throat competitive environment, the success criteria is how long an entity will remain in the competition. For surviving in such an environment, the entity must have to secure competitive advantage. Competitive advantage means any factor or quality that separate product and services of an entity from its challengers and helps the entity to extend its request share. As we said before, the capital or technology was those factors that help entity in securing the competitive advantage, but now it do not. Now a days the human resource or the work force is the factor that decide majorly whether entity will have competitive advantage or not, or will it be successful in having going concern in the long run. Since it's the crucial factor hence management of this resource becomes an essential practice. professed, abled, technically sound, good and really effective human resource isn't available fluently and there's no sense of enwrapping a man force which isn't at over to this position. Competitive advantages aren't secured when we make our force skill, but it's secured when we uses professed resource to use our other resources optimally. Maintain or retaining Skilled Human resource is a veritably delicate task. And this all comes through a proper human resource management.



Keywords: Environment, Competitive, Management, technology, Capital, Attitude, Efficient.


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