Today’s world is under the serious threat of damaging effect of green house danger which is making the whole world warming and the thin layer of ozone is effecting the earth or haunts the earth. The problems which are faced by every country and which is damaging our entire environment need serious concern. These problems includes expansion of desserts, lowering down the area of forest, the expanding pollution on the surface including ground water, extermination of various species and indiscriminate use of natural resources, end of available natural resources are few of them. To achieve the object of sustainable development and safety of environment and to maintain the ecological balance, countries have to develop new strategies and devices. The research is undertaken with the object to suggest and put certain efforts for better protection of Environment of the globe. This fact cannot be ignored at all that the entire mankind and life of every creature in this earth completely depends upon the smooth functioning of the nature which gives us the supply of energy and nutrition’s which are must for life support system and hence the man need to maintain a harmony with the nature which actually nourishes him and provide a basic human life. We some time forget that mankind is just a part of the nature and this at all not required for Nature. To protect humanity we have to preserve out nature. In this study we have accepted the fact that human being is just a very recent edition to livestock of the nature and having a very disruptive influence on the globe. This article has been undertaken with the object to review the steps taken for environment protection and what steps can be taken in future. The legislative aspect will be considered within the framework of laws applicable in India for environment protection. The research will go to be very helpful for the society and its welfare.



Keywords: Development, Environment, Preservation, Extermination, Pollution, Harmony, Species.


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