Partition is one of the darkest chapters of India’s independence. All it took the colonial masters is few strokes in a paper and a line drawn in the map to bring the political leaders of Indian National Congress and Muslim League into a consensus to form two separate countries. What followed was a cataclysmic change in the lives of millions of common people on both sides of the artificially created lines. The traumatic process of forced displacement holds the pain of destruction of one’s lived space, cultural practice, and social ties. The reckless decisions at the top in a chaotic time led to millions of broken homes. Just two days after India got its independence, mass migration started. The horror and trauma still haunt the survivors who are old now but carry vivid memory of it. An Exploratory Descriptive Qualitative (EDQ) approach has been used to understand partition from multiple perspectives. The study is divided into four parts. The first part is an understanding of the historical reality of partition from a socio-political and cultural perspective. The second part attempts to analyse history of partition and pedagogy. The third part brings out the partition related emotions in the literature discussing seminal works of Manto, Amrita Pritam, Sunil Gangopadhya. The fourth part deals with the films on partition and representation of partition in popular cinema. The conclusion leaves an open-ended space for scholars and readers to engage in meaningful discussion on partition that will focus on the healing of the partition wounds. Because the aim is to convey political and social reality of that period to an entirely new generation in 2022 and beyond who are a part of a new global world. The focus should be on the content in history and pedagogy that includes literature and cinema on partition and helps to bring a higher level of sensitivity and empathy to understand partition.


Keywords: Forced Displacement, Partition, Mass Migration, Partition Horrors Remembrance Day, Oral History, Partition Literature, Cinema on Partition.


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