Globalisation is the word used to describe the rapidly growing interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and information. Countries have built economic partnerships to facilitate these movements Growing globalization has contributed to rising urbanization by giving better opportunities to people in urban areas resulting in millions of people moving to cities every year. Urbanisation post the globalisation period exhibits more growth and accumulation of population in citiesThe leading explanation for this is more job opportunities are increasing in IT, Telecommunication and the private sector are earning importance. We have used statistical data showing urbanization in India has increased by almost 4 per cent from 31.28% to 35.39% in the last decade as a large number of people are leaving the agricultural sector to work in the private sector. Agriculture plays an important role in the Indian economy and it employs around half of India’s workforce today however, its contribution to India’s GDP is decreasing and the services sector has gained significantly. On one side, as globalisation seems to be an unavoidable truth, many developing countries are reorganising their economies to get the benefits of broadening and intensifying global economic exchanges. On the contrary, some regions, are increasingly excluded from the current process of globalisation. This paper throws limelight on these different impacts of globalisation in cities and regions of India in general, the paper also explains how globalisation has affected society, culture and lifestyle of people and how it can create Tension and Conflict and what can be a possible future scenario of this. Findings suggest that there has been an overall rise in income in the urban areas but there is also a considerable disparity between the different groups. The distribution of income is considered to be skewed as in the case of large cities in the country. It is finally viewed that globalization touches all human lives and plays a strong role in the transformation of moral values and lifestyles. The process brings some opportunities, but its root challenges are gruesome. Advantages of the globalization process have to be availed by overcoming the obstacles of Poverty, economic disparities, pollution, public interest and employment, urban violence, gender issues, and urban performance affecting social, economic and political stability are some of the consequences of urbanisation and few measures to reduce these impacts are also further discussed. This study may be useful for both formal and informal researchers in the advancement of new dimensions. There are plenty of data included that is important to provide the current scenario of urbanisation in India.


Keywords: Globalization, Urbanization, Cultural Transformation.


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