Financial planning is regarded as most essential education for the success of every one. The advanced countries have higher degree of financial education compared to emerging countries. This leads to over spending unscientifically on un-necessities. It is not healthy in future. The system encourages to over spend on higher needs before basic needs. So, there is a compulsory need of financial education. One of the old and good model is provided by Mr. Abraham Maslow in 1940s. This philosophy says that man has to fulfill his needs from lower to upper. So, the present study has made an attempt to study the need of financial planning for the sake of future. The study is based on secondary data which almost collected from web sources. The main findings of the study are financial literacy is the team work. Man must control his emotions before spending on luxurious items like car, foreign trips etc. Maslow’s need hierarchical model is simple and best one to control ourselves from misleading advertisements.
Keywords: Maslow’s Need Hierarchy, Emerging Countries, Financial Literacy.