Today, we are concerned with a special reasonably threat that lurks on our surroundings. This threat is the direct results of massive industrialisation, mechanisation, motorisation and chemicalisation of agriculture. These processes have resulted in poisoning the air, the rivers and also the soil itself. Perhaps, the limitless demands of the person and his consumption patterns have made him to forget the very fact that human life is sustained by air, food and water. In fact, man is polluting his life sustaining supply of those necessities at a way faster speed. Today many of the world's cities are plagued with smoke or other reasonably pollution. Pollution which is sometimes related to industrial growth and urbanization is filling the air with poisonous gases, smoke, smog, and radiation. This not only endangers men and animal life but also seriously affect vegetation on earth. Major rivers and lakes in the world are so alarmingly polluted that these have rendered the standard of water unfit for human consumption and have also affected aquatic life. The excessive use of artificial fertilizers, poisonous sprays, insecticides, pesticides and weedicides haven't only contaminated and spoiled the standard of soil but have robbed vegetables, fruits and grains of life sustaining minerals and vitamins. We are indiscriminately cutting forests, denudating lands, destroying vegetation resulting changed weather, causing droughts, floods and extinction of rare species of plants, animals and birds. We are ruthlessly extracting minerals and indiscriminately processing our ores causing, except their depletion, air and pollution. We are damaging even the 'Ozone' layer which may be a vital protection of our earth. Thus, the environmental degradation has reached a stage that threatens to destroy not only the environment but the mankind together with it. With our air unfit to breathe, our water unfit to drink, several many species of animals and birds threatened with extinction and hundred more already destroyed, plant communities disrupted, forest cover shrinking, population exploding, environmental problems have assumed new dimensions. The study is undertaken to review the ecological disturbances and destroyers of the environment and endeavors which have been undertaken and can be undertaken to protect the environment. This study could help to government, and other environment protecting agencies in their efforts being used for protecting the environment.


Keywords: Pollution, Environment, Indiscrimination, Consumption, Degradation, Protection.


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