Many words can be used for a variety of purposes, but the most valuable and worthwhile words are those which empower girls and women everywhere. Now a days, Women Empowerment is not only a legal issue, but more than that, it’s a social issue. Now, its need of hour, to apply change in the prevailing mind set of society. Due to the demand for natural justice, now the Women Empowerment is needed and it is also in need as a tool for nation building. In a democratic country like India, an integral part of the constitution is formed by the guard of human rights and natural justice. The issue of women empowerment is very multifaceted and multi-dimensional. As we know that now everywhere in all levels, like; Social, Political, Individual and Economical, is the demand of women empowerment. There are number of issues related to all levels of demand, and so there is a question that why women empowerment is so much in demand in India. Here, in this research, researcher wants to develop a ‘3WE Model’ to explain the impact of Women Empowerment towards Social issues and what would be the outcomes in relation to impact of Social Issues towards Women Empowerment. This research work is basically with secondary data collection along with descriptive research design. The study is carried out to describe the Impact and its relationship with women empowerment with 3WE Model. The objective of this research is to give wise wisdom to womanhood with exquisite eternal energy with the help of identifying the impact of cultural and  social issues on Empowerment of Women.



Keywords: Women Empowerment, Social Issue, 3WE Model.


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