Water is an important natural resource that maintains ecological balance and its effective management ensures sustainable development. Management of water in different sectors is essential for socioeconomic development of our country. Our shrinking water resources are in stress as they are in pressure to sustain continuously increasing population and only efficient water management practices can counter the scarcity of water that our country is facing. Availability of fresh water for drinking is fundamental requirement of people of any country and it needs to be addressed with sincerity. The much needed development and growing economy of our country is taking us towards rapid urbanisation and industrialisation. The demand for fresh water is increasing and for better utilisation of water resources we need to understand our traditional and modern water management practices. Awareness need to be created among the communities for promoting water conservation techniques as such measures can replenish our depleted water resources. We need to augment the falling per capita availability of fresh water in our country. Even groundwater is being used excessively by different sectors due to rapidly increasing population and this has led to decline in the water table. India is also facing impact of global warming in the form of climate change and this has resulted in depleting the already stressed water resources available in this region.



Keywords: Natural Resource, Sustainable Development, Water Management Practices, Fresh Water, Water Conservation.


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