The introduction of corona virus has comprehensively influenced the entire world’s economy. This has large affected people because the entire industrial channel has gone down. WHO has declared it epidemic on March 11, 2020. The half-year of the year 2019-20 has ended with the six year minimum economic process rate of 4.6 percent. The economy was expected to be fine on the crescent mentioned above. With the coming of novel corona virus, the bounce in the economy and the hope of being fine for the same person has not only been difficult but also impossible. In addition to the current challenges, the new challenges presented by the COVID have provided an important economic disruption and demand imbalance and equilibration, with a huge potential to shut down the economic vehicle. The first case of the novel corona virus in India was detected on January 30, 2020. Upon initialization, the number of cases was quite low until March 15 and every infected person was a reference to the history or infected person. Therefore there is no status of lockdown. If this virus continues to be severe or enters India, the situation of the Indian economy can be so bad that it is going to be for years. The industry which is directly or indirectly accustomed to countries that are already closed or the track of the lock down, they have affected, but in the lock down in India, the other can have the worst effect on other industries. This text has been done to discuss the above mentioned effect and the measure the effect of the corona virus.



Keywords: Economy, Pandemic, Industrial Impact, Lockdown, Food Security.


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