Water is a prime resource that sustains every form of life on earth. The availability of this finite recyclable resource depend upon its proper development and management. Water is available in different forms and most importantly its every form is essential for the sustenance of hydrological cycle. As a solid it piles up as glaciers and when it melts it flows as a liquid in streams forming rivers and ultimately falling into seas and oceans. Sun transforms this liquid into clouds and these fly over different land forms and fall as rain. This rain water moves on the surface as runoff and part of it percolates to become groundwater. A natural water distribution system moves this resource and every form of life find suitable habitat to live. India is a big country with large population. Although resources are finite but the population is ever increasing and this has resulted in rapid urbanisation and industrialisation. As a result demand for water is continuously increasing and with rising pollution the quality of water has also deteriorated. This has adversely affected the availability of water resources in our country. Even the ground water table has declined in several areas. An efficient water management system is needed for sustainable development.


Keywords: Water Resources, Hydrological Cycle, Water Distribution, Population, Water Management.


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