The research is on the basis of A STUDY ON “QUALITY OF WORK LIFE”. Due to changes in technology and to meet various demands of the employees and to withstand the place in the Global market the company has to focus on employees satisfaction on major areas like job security, job satisfaction, medical facilities, canteen facilities, rewards, ESI, etc. Quality of work life(QWL) is a shared responsibility of management and workers and recently it represents significant dimension in industrial relations. Work is an integral part of everyday life, as it is our livelihood or career or business. On an average we spent twelve hours daily life and it is the one third of our entire life. Research on quality of work life is considered to be more important at the individual and organization level. Quality of work life is considered for both the employees and organization and it is involved with job satisfaction, productivity, job involvement, job enrichment etc. The success of any organization is highly dependent on how it attracts recruits, motivates, and retains its workforce. Today's organizations need to be more flexible so that they are equipped to develop their workforce and enjoy their commitment. The study was based on the descriptive research design. Convenience sampling method is used to collect data, the sample size 50. This report seeks to utilize primary research, through structured questionnaires and secondary method involves data collection through magazines and websites. The findings revealed that the organization is providing good working conditions and the overall job satisfaction was found to be good and overall quality of work life is good. The organization can improve infrastructure facilities so as to improve the performance of employees. This study highlighted only some of the small gaps in employees satisfaction towards the quality of work life.
Keywords: Quality of Work Life (QWL), Employees, Job Satisfaction, Performance.