India is a developing country. We are emphasizing more on the industrial sector more for the rapid development of our nation. We can see competition is very tough among companies coming under the same industry. Since the last decade, the hotel industry has developed on a significant level. Every hotel is trying its best to attract customers by providing the maximum facilities. Customers always want changes, they will never continue in the same kind of environment or facility. So, every organization tries to have some major and noticeable changes in the workplace. By doing this, they can retain their customers. All the customers want to have a proper meal during their visit. A proper meal in terms of it should be fresh and hygienic. Generally, we have seen that in most hotels or restaurants, the kitchen area is closed. So, no one can go inside the kitchen and sometimes we found the board at the door of the kitchen with “NO ENTRY”. This can create a negative impression of the organization. Because whatever the food is coming from the kitchen is fresh or not that we can’t decide. Due to these disadvantages and to create some faith in customers, some of the hotels have developed the kitchen area open. It means the consumer can see how the food is prepared and how much cleanliness is maintained. This research study is conducted to analyse the advantage and disadvantages from the viewpoint of management as well as customers. How much this drastic change can be beneficial to hotel management? We will conclude with the positive and negative aspects of having open kitchen areas in dining as well as the perception of the consumers for the same. The research method which has been taken is primary data which is collected by a google form questionnaire and analysed with the concerned techniques. Secondary data is also taken from various sources to get more information about the same.



Keywords: Hotel & Restaurant, Kitchen, Food, Facilities, Transparency.


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