In financial management, the best part is that, an organization can adjust its AI powered solutions by writing unique algorithms built for specified tasks. When credits come to decision management, al can also be applied. To establish such implementation, the officials from the officers to the junior employees should go from all the levels of organization. Artificial Intelligence has now become a clear trend in the current market. Now it is being implemented in different areas. The financial institutes apply artificial intelligence in various innovative ways. Apart from this, a study indicated that by 2035, the economy of 20 countries will double and will bounce in productivity. Living is the financial service industry by the super storm. Most of now a day of every financial sector is using AI to take advantage of the benefits of saving time, lowering costs and linking values. Recently, 7 most top and major American commercial banks have made the strategic technological progress by finding AI applications to consumers, improve performance and increase revenue. We cannot refuse the fact that AI has completely changed the financial sector. Everyone is now going toward the folk automation system for every work. AI has changed the banking sector to a large extent. AL has helped the banking sector by providing services like smart wallet, personal banking services, voice assisted banking, underwriting, data-operated AI applications, customer support etc. Banking and financial sector Also, it will also have a positive effect on its competitiveness.



Keywords: Banking, Data, Artificial, Automation, Machines, Financial, Intelligence, Monitoring, Human.



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