The war comes at a time when the global economy is in turmoil. As new coronavirus varieties appeared and governments restricted investment, the recovery from the recession caused by the epidemic has slowed. Fed and other major central banks have raised interest rates as a result of higher price levels. Russia's foreign direct investment (FDI) to and from the Russian Federation is significantly affected by the conflict in Ukraine, which began in February 2022. The specific nature of sanctions and counter-Ukraine is not yet known, thus the extent of the hit will be determined by the sanctions and counter-Ukraine. However, some of them have already had a negative impact on the country's finances, adding to the strain created by the war. As a result of sanctions implemented in 2014, Russia's economic capacity has already been weakened, according to this study's findings. In order to decouple the Russian economy from FDI partners, the Russian government has to pay a heavy price.
Keywords: Russia, Ukraine, War, Foreign Direct Investment, FDI, Investment, Breakdown.