The myths and fables originating from the Afro-American social structure are not simple tales, very often they are satiric allegories arising from the racial conflicts present in nineteenth century society. They are allegorical by virtue of their presentation of the slave's situation through images drawn from the animal world. This indirection is both their vehicle and power. A directly stated moral does not leave much to the imagination of the reader while a moral implicit in the fable is always more subtle and suggestive as in the case of the Uncle Remus Tales. Aesop's Fables state the moral either explicitly through the conclusion or implicitly through the character of some animal. When compared with Aesop's Fables, the Uncle Remus Tales emerges as the ones more suggestive and more allegorical in their impact.
Keywords: Afro-American Social Structure, Allegorical, Rabbit and Uncle Remus.