Communication is the act of transferring information from one person to another. Communication can be verbal, non-verbal or visual. Communication skills involve listening, speaking, observing and empathising. The capability to render information correctly, clearly, and as intended is a vital life skill and should not be ignored. It involves the exchange of messages precisely and concisely in a way that connects with the people. Listening carefully, speaking clearly and putting others at ease are precious attributes to possess for anyone. We are involved in communication all the time, and therefore, the act of communication is taken for granted or just as a habitual process. Since communication is an ongoing activity, it is necessary to make sure that concepts, thoughts, ideas, messages, and data are put in such a way that everyone can easily comprehend them. Therefore, it is always advisable to work on communication skills, and by doing so, we may well improve our quality of communicability. Good communication skills can enhance our relationships with others, whereas poor communication skills can sour our relationships from business to personal and make life problematic.


Keywords: Communication, Conversation, Cordial, Esteem, Etiquettes.


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